Fritz: All Fritz
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Text File
281 lines
set output error
set more 1
mac def path
capture run frstpage.tut
if _rc {
mac def path "\stata\"
capture run %path`frstpage.tut
if _rc {
mac def path "/usr/stata/"
capture run %path`frstpage.tut
if _rc {
#delimit ;
di in red
"I cannot find the other tutorial files. I have looked in the current" _n
"directory and in \stata (DOS) or /usr/stata (Unix). Is Stata installed" _n
"correctly?" _n(2)
"In any case, I cannot run the tutorial." ;
#delimit cr
#delimit ;
capture program drop _demo ;
program define _demo ;
macro define F5 "do %path`contents.tut;" ;
macro define F6 "do %path`demo.tut;" ;
di _n(4) in wh
" ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ tm" in gr _col(68) "page 1 of 9" in wh _n
" /__ / ____/ / ____/" _n
"___/ / /___/ / /___/ An Introduction" _n
"-----------------------------------------------" _n ;
di in gr
"Welcome to Stata. This is one of several tutorials designed to introduce you"
"to the Stata system." ;
di in gr _n
"Stata is a program for manipulating, displaying, and analyzing data. It is" _n
"not only easy to use, but it is extremely powerful as well. Rather than pre-"
"senting all of Stata's capabilities in a single tutorial, we have grouped the"
"more important features into separate tutorials. The overlap is minimal, so"
"we encourage you to view them all." ;
di in wh _n(2)
"How to page through a tutorial" _n
_dup(32) "-" _n ;
di in gr
"Stata tutorials display a screen of information at a time, then they pause to"
"give you time to read the screen. The message "
in wh "--more--" in gr " is displayed at the" _n
"bottom of the screen whenever the tutorial is ready to proceed. When you are"
"ready to continue, press the space bar." _n ;
more ;
di in wh _n(4)
"How to STOP a tutorial" in gr _col(68) "page 2 of 9" in wh _n
"----------------------" _n ;
di in gr
"All of the tutorials will stop themselves when they have told you everything"
"they have to say. You can, however, force a tutorial to stop by pressing the"
in wh "Break" in gr " key. On a PC, you do this by holding down "
in wh "Ctrl"
in gr " and pressing "
in wh "Break" in gr ";" _n
in gr "under Unix, you hold down "
in wh "Ctrl" in gr " and press " in wh "C" in gr
". If you do that, you will see" _n
"something like this:" _n ;
di _col(15) in blue "end of do-file" _n
_col(15) in red "--Break--" _n
_col(15) in blue "r(1);" _n(2)
_col(15) in wh ". _" _n ;
di in gr
"Stata will then wait for you to type a command. Since you have no idea what"
"the Stata commands are, it would not be a good idea to press "
in wh "Break" in gr " right now." _n
"But hold onto the idea; on the next screen we'll show you the only two com-" _n
"mands you need to know so that you can go exploring on your own. This tuto-"
"rial will end shortly." _n(3) ;
more ;
di _n(3) in wh
"The only two commands you need to know" _col(68) in gr "page 3 of 9" in wh _n
_dup(38) "-" _n(2) ;
di in wh "do %path" in gr "_______" in wh ".tut" _n(2) in gr
" When this tutorial is over, type the above command to run another of" _n
" the tutorials. Fill in the blank with the name of a tutorial."
" There are many tutorials on this disk. You can obtain an index of them"
" by typing" _n(2)
_col(16) in wh "do %path`contents.tut" in gr _n(2)
" or by pressing the "
in wh "F6" in gr " key. We are going to do that in a second." _n(2) ;
di in wh "exit, clear" _n(2) in gr
" If you want to return to your operating system, type '"
in wh "exit, clear" in gr "'." _n(3) ;
more ;
di _n(2) in wh
"Two other commands you might want to know" _col(68) in gr "page 4 of 9" in wh
_n _dup(41) "-" _n(2) ;
di in gr "'" in wh "help" in gr "' or pressing "
in wh "F1" in gr " and then pressing " in wh "Return" _n in gr
" Stata's always ready to assist you. When this tutorial is over," _n
" you can type '" in wh "help" in gr "' whenever you're confused."
"Pressing " in wh "F10" in gr " (DOS only)" _n
" Stata has a fullscreen menu system. It's easy to use and you can" _n
" try it when this tutorial is over. But before you try it for the" _n
" first time, please type '" in wh "help menu" in gr "'." _n(2)
" There's a catch: The menu system will only work on IBM computers or" _n
" computers that are 100% IBM compatible. Stata under Unix does not" _n
" have a menu system." _n(6) ;
more ;
di _n(2) in wh
"The other tutorials" _col(68) in gr "page 5 of 9" in wh _n
_dup(19) "-" _n(2) ;
di in gr
"We told you that if you type" _n(2)
in wh _col(16) "do %path`contents.tut" _n(2) in gr
"you will obtain a list of the other tutorials." _n(2)
"On the next screen, we'll show you what happens when you type this. You" _n
"needn't take notes since you can type '"
in wh "do %path`contents.tut" in gr "'" _n
"whenever you wish." _n(10)
in wh ". do %path`contents.tut" ;
more ;
run %path`contents.tut ;
set di page 0 ;
di _n(14) in wh
"Some advice" _col(68) in gr "page 6 of 9" in wh _n
"-----------" _n ;
di in gr
"View the '"
in wh "intro.tut"
in gr "' tutorial first by typing '"
in wh "do %path`intro.tut" in gr "'." _n
"We've made it easy for you to run this tutorial; just press "
in wh "F6." in gr _n(2)
"The other tutorials focus on particular applications. View any that inter-"
"est you. If you have a graphics-capable monitor, make sure you view the" _n
"'" in wh "graphics.tut" in gr"' tutorial." _n ;
di in gr
"Finally, don't worry if you don't understand some of the information dis-" _n
"played during the tutorials. You can't learn everything at once. In fact," _n
"you may find it helpful to rerun some of the tutorials after you've become" _n
"familiar with Stata." _n ;
di in gr
"If you have the demonstration version of Stata, you're seeing these messages"
"because you typed '"
in wh "DEMO" in gr "' to enter Stata. You can skip them next time by" _n
"simply typing '"
in wh "stata" in gr "' in reponse to the operating system prompt." _n(5) ;
more ;
di _n(2) in wh
"Where to learn more" _col(68) in gr "page 7 of 9" in wh _n
"-------------------" _n(2) ;
di in gr
"The tutorials cover only a small fraction of Stata's capabilities, so you need"
"to know where to learn the rest. The best source of information is the "
in wh "Stata" _n
"Reference Manual" in gr
". It's 800 pages long, indexed, and full of explanations and" _n
"examples. The next best source is the on-line help system. It contains over"
"500 screens of information. It does not cover everything, and sometimes the"
"explanations are terse, but it does cover the more important points."
"Because Stata is so easy to use, and because the on-line system appears so" _n
"complete, users are sometimes fooled into thinking that Stata cannot do some-"
"thing when it can. This is because most statistical systems have separate" _n
"programs, commands, or options for everything they can do. Stata, on the" _n
"other hand, is a language. It is by combining elements of the language that"
"you unleash the power of Stata." _n(5);
more ;
di _n(2) in wh
"A final note" _col(68) in gr "page 8 of 9" in wh _n
"------------" _n ;
di in gr
"We encourage you to experiment with Stata. The same tutorial files are in-" _n
"cluded with both the full professional version of Stata and the demonstra-" _n
"tion version." _n(2)
"In the demonstration version, we have removed the commands that make changes"
"to the disk and we have limited the number of variables and observations" _n
"that can be processed. In all other ways, it is identical to the full" _n
"system." _n ;
di in gr
"Either way, we have included some sample data sets. To find out about them,"
"view the '"
in wh "ourdata.tut" in gr "' tutorial." _n(2)
"You can also try Stata with your own data sets even if you only have the" _n
"demonstration version. View the '"
in wh "yourdata.tut" in gr "' tutorial for instructions" _n
"on how to do this." _n(5) ;
macro define F6 "do %path`intro.tut;" ;
di _n(2) in wh
"Finished" _col(68) in gr "page 9 of 9" in wh _n
"--------" _n ;
di in gr
"At the bottom of this screen, you now see:" _n(2)
_col(15) in blue "end of do-file" _n(2)
_col(15) in wh ". _" _n ;
di in gr
"It's your turn to type a Stata command. We recommend you now type" _n
"'" in wh "do %path`intro.tut" in gr "' or, equivalently, press "
in wh "F6" in gr "." _n(2)
"Remember: You can obtain a list of all the tutorials by typing" _n
"'" in wh "do %path`contents.tut" in gr "' or pressing "
in wh "F5" in gr "." _n(2)
"Also remember: There's nothing you can do to hurt the software, so" _n
"experiment freely. We hope you enjoy using Stata." _n(3);
end ;
di in blue "When you are ready to continue, press the space bar ..." ;
set more 0 ;
more ;
set display page 0 ;
/* capture */ _demo ;
#delimit cr
if _rc==1 {
di in red "--Break--"
set display page 23
program drop _demo